Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

The Reason Students Are Getting Bored In the Classroom

Under-motivated students also complain of being bored in school, but not because they already know what’s being taught. This complaint is different. Often “school is boring” is paired with “that’s why I don’t do the work” or “that’s why I don’t pay attention.”
An under-motivated child is not the same as a lazy child. In some cases, the lack of motivation is tied in to a feeling that what he’s learning isn’t personally important, that the learning process has no meaning for him and his life. In other situations, a lack of motivation can be the sign of an underlying issue, such as childhood depression, ADHD or a learning disability.

Children who have trouble forging a connection with their peers and/or their teacher may be bored in school because they feel very isolated. If your child hasn’t built a comfortable relationship with anyone in his classroom, he may feel as though he has nowhere to turn when he needs help with the work.
That, in turn, can cause him to tune out, making him feel as though he is “bored.” What he’s really experiencing is the need for some encouragement that he’s a part of the classroom community.

Some tips to improve your study skills
If you have studied everything well,but cannot repeat the same in the answer sheet,here are some tips which you could use to improve your study skills and make it more efficient and fruitful.It does not matter if you are a college student or middle school student,the basic study skills to improve your grades and make studying fun are the same.

1.Having a goal
The first and foremost thing you need to study well is an aim.Learning skills come from your desire to study and reach a position no matter who you are-a college student or a school student.The first study skill is learning the best possible way by which you can keep yourself entertained to study.Having a goal is a very good way to do it.

2.Place of study.
Always try to study in a particular place.Choose a suitable place for your study and prepare it so that there is nothing around you which could turn your attention(like magazines etc.)It would be better if you sit in your study table.Never lie down anywhere while studyng-you are sure to go into sleep.Try to study in a place where lot of light & air could enter.
Try to keep a specific place for studying.

Step 1
Set up a homework zone that is most compatible with your teen's personality. Studying in a common area makes her feel like a part of the family and gives her access to help from parents. Your teen may prefer the quiet and privacy of her bedroom for studying. The National Association of School Psychologists suggests discussing the options with your teen to find an inspiring homework spot.

Step 2
Put out a plate of homework snacks to fuel her brain. Giving her a few different snacking options adds to the enjoyment and keeps her going.

Step 3
Invite a friend or two over for a study session. The social aspect of the group makes studying more enjoyable for many teens. Set ground rules for the study buddies so they focus on the work more than the latest high school gossip.

Step 4
Start off each study session with a laugh. Tell a joke or share a funny story from the day. A positive mood going into the study session keeps the atmosphere upbeat.

Step 5
Make memorizing facts fun with little memory tricks. A mnemonic device uses a silly word or sentence to remember the first letters of the facts you want to remember. To remember the directions clockwise, you might remember, "Never eat soggy worms" for "North, East, South and West." Help your teen make up funny sentences for the facts she needs to memorize.

Step 6
Play games to help remember information. Simple card games, such as matching a word and its definition, work well. Use index cards to make your own game.

Step 7
Incorporate music into your teen's study sessions. Play quiet music in the background. Another option is to sing the information she's learning. Singing the facts makes the information more interesting and may help her better remember what she's learning. The tune doesn't matter -- as long as the rhythm helps her learn the material.

Step 8
Draw or act to retain information. Drawing a picture to help understand a concept gives your teen a visual reference that makes it easier to remember. For science, you might draw a picture that shows the water cycle with a pond, clouds and rain. Acting out an event or an idea is another way to make the information memorable. You might act out the signing of the Declaration of Independence with your teen if she's studying it in history.

Step 9
Stop occasionally for breaks so your teen doesn't get bored. Give her a chance to stretch her legs or text friends for a few minutes. Set a timer so the break doesn't last too long.

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